It has always been known that the finance team strongly depend on IT to provide assistance when an issue needs clearing. This is as true for budgeting and forecasting, consolidation and business intelligence systems as it is for any technology used by finance. An organisation is not a happy one when there is constant belligerence between internal departments.
We can now fix this stressed relationship with finance owning and maintaining their own system with complete ease, relieving the strain on IT and the resolution time for requests and issues. This has been successfully achieved through the award winning cloud based budgeting and forecasting, consolidation and business intelligence application – Adaptive Insights. The ease of use of Adaptive Insights leads to finance being able to maintain and administer their own system.
GK Horizons, an award winning Adaptive Insights partner in Australia, has been the most prolific in relieving the tension between the two departments. Their profile of clients include Yalumba Wines, Hill Laboratories, Engineers Australia and many more. Apart from the time and cost aspects, GKH has been notified of stronger relationships fostered between Finance and IT in each and every customer.
“Adaptive Planning has brought a new level of budgeting and reporting to the organisation. Process time has been reduced, integrity of and confidence in the data improved, manager’s engagement in budgeting has increased, and improved the organizations overall ability to produce meaningful profit forecasts.” Alistair Brown – CFO Hill Laboratories.
Peace can finally be achieved. One small step for finance, is a giant leap for the organisation. To find out more, or if you have a basic inquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact us.