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How many times have you heard these during the reporting process? “What version are you working on? 15 or 16?” “Why am I getting an error in cell E625 in sheet 25?”. Of course, we all know that we take the good and the bad with spreadsheets, but if you relate to these statements, then it’s likely that your team’s experiencing the same old issues related to static planning. In fact, according to a recent survey, nearly 80% of the CFOs agreed that using legacy methods for reporting created confusion, inaccuracies and delays in the planning process.

Delays in decision-making could be a significant weakness for any organisation, especially for businesses in the tech and software industries, where competition and change are rapid. So, how can you achieve seamless reporting in software and tech that resolves challenges such as aligning with changing regulations (IFRS, AASB, ASC 606, GDPR), complex revenue recognition issues with subscription models, and data management?

Look no further!

Read “Five Reporting Best Practices for Software and Technology Companies“, an eBook by Workday Adaptive Planning to learn how top-performing software and tech finance teams overcome challenges with seamless reporting and make timely decisions via a single source of truth.

The eBook is enriched with valuable insights that help you learn how to:

  • Eliminate slow, manual processes so you can report instantly;
  • Enable collaboration with a single source of truth;
  • Integrate data from multiple systems to provide more context;
  • Leverage dashboards to build a more collaborative culture; and,
  • Create visual narratives that enable understanding.

Read now to take your first step towards seamless reporting!

Read eBook.