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Webinar | 15th March 2023 | 1 pm AEDT | Register Now

Are you a future-thinking business leader who seeks a collaborative and agile planning process to keep pace in today’s fast-paced corporate environment? If yes, then the evolution of Integrated Business Planning (IBP) to extended Planning & Analysis (xP&A) could be just the steppingstone for you to create value and alignment in your planning process.

IBP to xP&A? Let us explain.

Before we dive into how you can learn tips to accelerate the journey of the evolution, let us describe what’s IBP and xP&A. As you may know, IBP is an S&OP-centric process that aligns supply chain functions with the overall business strategy. In comparison, xP&A is a modern approach to FP&A (Financial Planning & Analysis) that uses data-driven insights instead of legacy methods to provide more accurate and timely forecasts for decision-making. Overall, xP&A and IBP can provide in-depth S&OP planning angles to your aggregate business strategy by directly integrating information from each business unit with finance. However, xP&A is considered a more robust and finance-driven planning solution for an organisation than IBP. Therefore, although IBP can work in tandem with xP&A, finance can unlock more opportunities to create value by accelerating the journey from Integrated Business Planning to extended Planning & Analysis. 

So, are you keen to create value in your organisation’s planning process?

Register now to save your spot in ‘From IBP to xP&A: A Focus on Value Creation’, a live webinar with Board International, on the 15th of March 2023 at 1 pm AEDT

Count this as an invaluable opportunity for you to link with industry experts to;

  • understand the role finance can take in helping businesses manage uncertainties;
  • gain insights into the value creation opportunity for the business;
  • obtain guidance on how to approach the challenge; and,
  • learn tips on how to accelerate the journey from Integrated Business Planning to extended Planning & Analysis.


Michael Judd (Moderator) – Senior Director, Office of Finance at Board International

James McElhone – Partner, EY

Caroline Poppe – Senior Manager, EY

15th March 2023 | 1 pm AEDT

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