Enterprise Grade Planning & Reporting
Instant Source System Integration, New Excel online and desktop add in, Fastest time to results, now for Netsuite.
Acterys takes your Budgeting, Forecasting and Reporting processes to the next level by Automating Data Integration and creating digital workflows.
Get started in minutes and access single company or consolidated results from Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks, DEAR Inventory, DEAR Systems, WorkflowMax, Practice Manager/XPM, HubSpot, Oracle NetSuite, and many other finance and other data sources.
Acterys – a Unified, Single Data Platform on the Cloud combining Planning and Analytics – was developed by Martin Kratky and Dr. Hesam Ziaei in 2015 after 20 years of experience implementing planning and analytics solutions across many technology brands.
Instant Insights and Plans | One-Click Automation

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How to Write Back & Planning in Power BI?
Data entry, planning and Write-back are key aspects of the performance management process not covered out of the box in Power BI.
Acterys addresses this with a comprehensive ecosystem for enterprise grade business modelling, planning and consolidation, seamlessly integrating with Power BI and Excel/Excel Online.
How to get Acterys up and running in minutes and how it works
Learn how to use one click easy integration with all your source systems. Reduce build and cycle times with easy to build and use models. Experience a single source of the truth with future confidence in AI enhance analytics and comprehensive security and governance features.