US Debt Default: It was avoided this time but were you ready if it did occur?

19/10/13: So with some relief to us all, the US didn’t default on its debt but were you ready if it…

The Award Winning GK Horizons

Each year Adaptive Insights (formerly Adaptive Planning) host a partner conference in North America… invest in Adaptive Planning

  31/10/13: Adaptive Planning today announced that (the well known vendor of…

March 2014 Breakfast Seminars

GK Horizons and Adaptive Insights are hosting a series of breakfast seminars throughout Australia…

Do you CPM or EPM? We will help clear up any confusion

The terms CPM and EPM are used inter-changeably by software professionals. This inconsistency is…

Budgeting and Forecasting software: How SaaS applications differ from on-premise applications moved to the cloud

  25/06/13: GK Horizons provide agile and affordable budgeting & forecasting, financial…

Budgeting and Forecasting software: Adaptive Planning scores highest for usability

  14/06/13: All software vendors claim to be the best, the number 1 or the world leader of…

Adaptive Planning: What is the new Process Tracker and how do I get started?

As part of the 2014.1 release of Adaptive Insights, the Process Tracker feature, which was…

Adaptive Planning: Capital Raising Success

  Adaptive Planning (Budgeting and Forecasting CPM/EMP software vendor) raised US$45m in a…

Adaptive Planning: Can Budgeting and Forecasting Software be implemented in 3 weeks?

  5/08/13 – Most finance professionals have at some stage been involved in the implementation…