The new CFO imperative: Frictionless Finance

Bruno J. Navarro, Workday Change is in the air. Following a year of global crisis that prompted…

Cashflow Forecasting to survive a crisis

The most important topic on the mind of finance teams across the world is cash and cashflow…

Spreadsheet Attachment Syndrome: A Cure is Here

GK Horizons had come across something quite interesting in the past couple of days. Adaptive…

US Debt Default: It was avoided this time but were you ready if it did occur?

19/10/13: So with some relief to us all, the US didn’t default on its debt but were you ready if it…

The evolution of Budgeting and Forecasting Applications

  14/06/13: Every company budgets and every company forecasts. The main factors that vary in…

The Award Winning GK Horizons

Each year Adaptive Insights (formerly Adaptive Planning) host a partner conference in North America…

Adaptive Planning: Can Budgeting and Forecasting Software be implemented in 3 weeks?

  5/08/13 – Most finance professionals have at some stage been involved in the implementation…

Adaptive Planning: Budgeting and Forecasting software for divisional managers

  2/09/13: Software purchasing decisions have traditionally been made from the top down. The…