Digitising FP&A

Download this eBook to learn best-practice strategies for digitising your FP&A:

What’s Holding You Back?

Digitisation is well and truly overdue for FP&A. With the right mix of people, process, and technology,
you can save time, provide actionable business insights in real time, drive strategic decision-making
and innovation, and enhance your relevance as a CFO.

Download Digitising FP&A Edition 1

Download this eBook to learn how to start Digitising your FP&A function today.


Why Choose GK Horizons?

If your organisation needs transformational change or is in a growth phase, then your finance team needs to be equipped to play their part.

Our aim is to enable your office of finance to make planning easier and become a trustworthy data-driven decision making team.

Are you looking for a partner with:

  • Experience and consultancy aptitude;
  • A transformational approach to people, processes and technology (current to future state);
  • Strong technology vendor relationships; and,
  • A long term success mindset.

If so, then please contact the team today.

We look to promote longevity in our partnerships by developing win/win scenarios and unlocking our clients’ future thinking.

“GK Horizons are extremely professional and knowledgeable in the finance area which Hill Laboratories felt was part of the success of our implementation. GK Horizons’ knowledge of the product meant that they were able to actively contribute to the design process by putting forward solutions and/or alternate options on the structure and how the solution could best be utilised. This combined with their finance and accounting skills meant they were able to build it specific to Hill Laboratories needs.”

Alistair Brown, CFO, Hill Laboratories